Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everyday Easy Gourmet - day one

Well, a food and wine blog. 

Something I have been toying with for some time.  I have been teaching cooking classes, and cooking for fun for years. I spent a good portion of my youth in the restaurant business - both front and back of house.  I have learned that restaurant quality cooking is not rocket science - pretty much anyone can do it - they just don't know it.  I have been collecting and drinking wine for many years as well - with many trips out to California's wine country under my belt.  I truly enjoy finding a really great deal on a bottle of wine- there is SO much out there for 15 or 20 bucks or less - and sharing my discoveries!

This blog is for everyone from my single friends in their 40's and 50's who want to impress their dates with their newly found culinary skills, to people with fussy spouses and children who don't eat "anything",  to anyone who just wants something different for dinner.  I will be listing both easy, restaurant quality recipes, and wine pairing suggestions.  I am sure my daughter will have some beer pairing suggestions - and recipes as well, as she is turning into quite the chip off the ole block!  I will have suggestions for equipment, gadgets and pantry inventory.  I will also be accepting recipe's from the great world wide web out there.  This is supposed to be a forum to help people enjoy cooking and eating well- and all input is welcome!

I am hoping to do 3 posts a week food related, and two wine/beer related.  But who knows, life is short, and the older I get, the more I have learned to be flexible.....

Watching the "Bucket List" as I am typing this - one thing on my list would be to publish a cook book... who knows, maybe a compilation of recipe's from here....

Bon Appetit!

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